Emergencies in the cancer pt may be classified into three
categories: effects
from tumor expansion, metabolic or hormonal effects
mediated by tumor products,
and treatment complications.
The most common problems are: superior vena cava
syndrome; pericardial effusion/ tamponade, spinal cord compression; seizures
(Chap. 185) and/or increased intracranial pressure; and intestinal, urinary, or
biliary obstruction. The
last three conditions are discussed in Chap. 88 in
SUPERIOR VENA CAVA SYNDROME Obstruction of the superior
vena cava reduces venous return from the head, neck, and upper extremities.
About 85% of cases are due to lung cancer; lymphoma and
thrombosis of central
venous catheters are also causes. Pts often present with
facial swelling, dyspnea,
and cough. In severe cases, the mediastinal mass lesion
may cause tracheal
obstruction. Dilated neck veins and increased collateral
veins on anterior chest
wall are noted on physical exam. CXR documents widening
of the superior
mediastinum; 25% of pts have a right-sided pleural
Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice for
non-small cell lung cancer;
addition of chemotherapy to radiation therapy is
effective in small cell lung
cancer and lymphoma. Symptoms recur in 10–30% and can be palliated
venous stenting. Clotted central catheters producing this
syndrome should be
withdrawn, and anticoagulation therapy initiated.
Catheter clots may be prevented
withwarfarin, 1 mg/d.
the pericardium impairs filling of the heart and
decreases cardiac output. Most
commonly seen in pts withlung or breast cancers,
leukemias, or lymphomas;
pericardial tamponade may also develop as a late
complication of mediastinal
radiation therapy. Common symptoms are dyspnea, cough,
chest pain, orthopnea,
and weakness. Pleural effusion, sinus tachycardia,
jugular venous distention,
hepatomegaly, and cyanosis are frequent physical
findings. Paradoxical
pulse, decreased heart sounds, pulsus alternans, and
friction rub are less common
with malignant than nonmalignant pericardial disease.
is diagnostic; pericardiocentesis may show serous or
bloody exudate, and cytology
usually shows malignant cells.
Drainage of fluid from the pericardial sac may be
lifesaving until a definitive
surgical procedure can be performed.
SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION Primary spinal cord tumors occur
rarely, and cord compression is most commonly due to
epidural metastases from
vertebral bodies involved withtumor, especially from
prostate, lung, breast,
lymphoma, and myeloma primaries. Pts present with back
pain, worse when
recumbent, withlocal tenderness. Loss of bowel and
bladder control may occur.
On physical exam, pts have a loss of sensation below a
horizontal line on the
trunk, called a sensory level, that usually
corresponds to one or two vertebrae
below the site of compression. Weakness and spasticity of
the legs and hyperactive
reflexes withupgoing toes on Babinski testing are often
noted. Spine
radiographs may reveal erosion of the pedicles (winking
owl sign), lytic or
sclerotic vertebral body lesions, and vertebral collapse.
Collapse alone is not a
reliable indicator of tumor; it is a common manifestation
of a more common
disease, osteoporosis. MRI can visualize the cord
throughout its length and
define the extent of tumor involvement.
Radiation therapy plus dexamethasone, 4 mg IV or PO q4h,
is successful in
arresting and reversing symptoms in about 75% of pts who
are diagnosed
while still ambulatory. Only 10% of pts made paraplegic
by the tumor recover
the ability to ambulate.
Most paraneoplastic syndromes have an insidious onset
(Chap. 80). Hypercalcemia, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
(SIADH), and adrenal insufficiency may present as emergencies.
HYPERCALCEMIA The most common paraneoplastic
syndrome, it occurs
in about 10% of cancer pts, particularly those with lung,
breast, head and
neck, and kidney cancer and myeloma. Bone resorption
mediated by parathormone- related protein is the most common mechanism; IL-1,
IL-6, TNF, and transforming growthfactor- _ may act locally in tumor-involved
bone. Pts usually present withnonspecific symptoms: fatigue, anorexia,
constipation, weakness.
Hypoalbuminemia associated withmalignancy may make
worse for any given serum calcium level because more
calcium will be free
rather than protein bound.
Saline hydration, antiresorptive agents (e.g.,
pamidronate, 60–90 mg IV over
4 h, or zoledronate, 4–8 mg IV) and glucocorticoids
usually lower calcium
levels significantly within 1–3 days. Treatment effects
usually last several
weeks. Treatment of the underlying malignancy is also
SIADH Induced by the action of arginine
vasopressin produced by certain
tumors (especially small cell cancer of the lung), SIADH
is characterized by
hyponatremia, inappropriately concentrated urine, and
high urine sodium excretion
in the absence of volume depletion. Most pts with SIADH
are asymptomatic.
When serum sodium falls to_115 meq/L, pts may experience
depression, lethargy, irritability, confusion, weakness,
and personality changes.
Water restriction controls mild forms. Demeclocycline
(150–300 mg PO tid
or qid) inhibits the effects of vasopressin on the renal
tubule but has a slow
onset of action (1 week). Treatment of the underlying
malignancy is also
important. If the patient has mental status changes with
sodium levels _115
meq/L, normal saline infusion plus furosemide to increase
free water clearance
may provide more rapid improvement. Rate of correction
should not
exceed 0.5–1 meq/L per hour.
ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY The infiltration of the adrenals by
and their destruction by hemorrhage are the two most
common causes. Symptoms
such as nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and orthostatic
hypotension may be
attributed to progressive cancer or to treatment side
effects. Certain treatments
(e.g., ketoconazole, aminoglutethimide) may directly
interfere with steroid synthesis in the adrenal.
In emergencies, a bolus of 100 mg IV hydrocortisone is
followed by a continuous
infusion of 10 mg/h. In nonemergent but stressful
100–200 mg/d oral hydrocortisone is the beginning dose,
tapered to maintenance
of 15–37.5 mg/d. Fludrocortisone (0.1 mg/d) may be
required in the
presence of hyperkalemia.
Complications from treatment may occur acutely or emerge
only many years
after treatment. Toxicity may be related either to the
agents used to treat the
cancer or from the response of the cancer to the
treatment (e.g., leaving a perforation in a hollow viscus or causing metabolic
complications such as the tumor lysis syndrome). Several treatment
complications present as emergencies. Fever and neutropenia and tumor lysis
syndrome will be discussed here; others are
discussed in Chap. 88 in HPIM-16.
FEVER AND NEUTROPENIA Many cancer pts are treated
agents. When peripheral blood granulocyte counts are
_1000/_L, the risk
of infection is substantially increased (48
infections/100 pts). A neutropenic pt
who develops a fever (_38_C) should undergo physical exam
with special attention
to skin lesions, mucous membranes, IV catheter sites, and
perirectal area.
Two sets of blood cultures from different sites should be
drawn, and a CXR
performed, and any additional tests should be guided by
findings from the history
and physical exam. Any fluid collections should be
tapped, and urine and/or fluids
should be examined under the microscope for evidence of
After cultures are obtained, all pts should receive IV
broad-spectrum antibiotics
(e.g., ceftazidime, 1 g q8h). If an obvious infectious
site is found, the
antibiotic regimen is designed to cover organisms that
may cause the infection.
Usually therapy should be started with an agent or agents
that cover both
gram-positive and -negative organisms. If the fever
resolves, treatment should
continue until neutropenia resolves. If the pt remains
febrile and neutropenic
after 7 days, amphotericin B should be added to the
antibiotic regimen.
TUMOR LYSIS SYNDROME When rapidly growing tumors are
with effective chemotherapy regimens, the rapid
destruction of tumor cells can
lead to the release of large amounts of nucleic acid
breakdown products (chiefly
uric acid), potassium, phosphate, and lactic acid. The
phosphate elevations can
lead to hypocalcemia. The increased uric acid, especially
in the setting of acidosis,
can precipitate in the renal tubules and lead to renal
failure. The renal
failure can exacerbate the hyperkalemia.
Prevention is the best approach. Maintain hydration with
3 L/d of saline, keep
urine pH _ 7.0 withbicarbonate administration, and start
allopurinol, 300
mg/m2 per day, 24 h before starting chemotherapy. Once
chemotherapy is
given, monitor serum electrolytes every 6 h. If after 24
h, uric acid (_8 mg/
dL) and serum creatinine (_1.6 mg/dL) are elevated,
rasburicase (recombinant
urate oxidase), 0.2 mg/kg IV daily, may lower uric acid
levels. If serum
potassium _ 6.0 meq/L and renal failure ensues,
hemodialysis may be required.
Maintain normal calcium levels.
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