Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Bioterrorism

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Microbial bioterrorism refers to the use of microbial pathogens as weapons of
terror that target civilian populations. A primary goal of bioterrorism is not
necessarily to produce mass casualties but to destroy the morale of a society
through creating fear and uncertainty. The events of September 11, 2001, followed
by the anthrax attacks through the U.S. Postal Service illustrate the vulnerability
of the American public to terrorist attacks, including those that use
microbes. The key to combating bioterrorist attacks is a highly functioning
system of public health surveillance and education that rapidly identifies and
effectively contains the attack.

Agents of microbial bioterrorism may be used in their natural form or may
be deliberately modified to maximize their deleterious effect. Modifications that
increase the deleterious effect of a biologic agent include genetic alteration of
microbes to produce antimicrobial resistance, creation of fine-particle aerosols,
chemical treatment to stabilize and prolong infectivity, and alteration of the host
range through changes in surface protein receptors. Certain of these approaches
fall under the category of weaponization, a term that describes the processing
of microbes or toxins in a manner that enhances their deleterious effect after
release. The key features that characterize an effective biologic weapon are
summarized in Table 31-1.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified
microbial agents that could potentially be used in bioterrorism attacks into three
categories: A, B, and C (Table 31-2). Category A agents are the highest-priority
pathogens. They pose the greatest risk to national security because they (1) can
be easily disseminated or transmitted from person to person, (2) are associated
withh ighcase fatality rates, (3) have potential to cause significant public panic
and social disruption, and (4) require special action and public health preparedness.
Table 31-1
Key Features of Biologic Agents Used as Bioweapons
1. Highmorbidity and mortality
2. Potential for person-to-person spread
3. Low infective dose and highly infectious by aerosol
4. Lack of rapid diagnostic capability
5. Lack of universally available effective vaccine
6. Potential to cause anxiety
7. Availability of pathogen and feasibility of production
8. Environmental stability
9. Database of prior researchand development
10. Potential to be “weaponized”

Category A Agents
Anthrax in many ways is the prototypic bioweapon. Although it is only rarely
spread by person-to-person contact, it has many of the other features of an ideal biologic weapon listed in Table 31-1. The potential impact of anthrax as a
bioweapon is illustrated by the apparent accidental release in 1979 of anthrax
spores from a Soviet bioweapons facility in Sverdlosk, Russia. As a result of
this atmospheric release of anthrax spores, at least 77 cases of anthrax (of which
66 were fatal) occurred in individuals within an area 4 km downwind of the
facility. Deaths were noted in livestock up to 50 km from the facility. The
interval between probable exposure and onset of symptoms ranged from 2 to
43 days, with the majority of cases occurring within 2 weeks. In September of
2001 the American public was exposed to anthrax spores delivered through the
U.S. Postal Service. There were 22 confirmed cases: 11 cases of inhaled anthrax
(5 died) and 11 cases of cutaneous anthrax (no deaths). Cases occurred in individuals who opened contaminated letters as well as in postal workers involved
in processing the mail.

Microbiology and Clinical Features (See also Chap. 205, HPIM-16)
• Anthrax is caused by infections with B. anthracis, a gram-positive, nonmotile,
spore-forming rod that is found in soil and predominantly causes disease
in cattle, goats, and sheep.
Spores can remain viable for decades in the environment and be difficult to
destroy withstandard decontamination procedures. These properties make anthrax
an ideal bioweapon.
• Naturally occurring human infection generally results from exposure to infected
animals or contaminated animal products.
There are three major clinical forms of anthrax:
1. Gastrointestinal anthrax is rare and is unlikely to result from a bioterrorism
2. Cutaneous anthrax follows introduction of spores through an opening in
the skin. The lesion begins as a papule followed by the development of a
black eschar. Prior to the availability of antibiotics, about 20% of cutaneous
anthrax cases were fatal.
3. Inhalation anthrax is the form most likely to result in serious illness and
death in a bioterrorism attack. It occurs following inhalation of spores that
become deposited in the alveolar spaces. The spores are phagocytosed by
alveolar macrophages and are transported to regional lymph nodes where
they germinate. Following germination, rapid bacterial growth and toxin
production occur. Subsequent hematologic dissemination leads to cardiovascular
collapse and death. The earliest symptoms are typically those of
a viral-like prodrome withfever, malaise, and abdominal/chest symptoms
that rapidly progress to a septic shock picture. Widening of the mediastinum
and pleural effusions are typical findings on chest radiography. Once considered
100% fatal, experience from the Sverdlosk and U.S. Postal outbreaks
indicate that with prompt initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy,
survival may be _50%.

TREATMENT (See Table 31-3)
Anthrax can be successfully treated if the disease is promptly recognized and
appropriate antibiotic therapy is initiated.
• Penicillin, ciprofloxacin, and doxycycline are currently licensed for the
treatment of anthrax.
• Clindamycin and rifampin have in vitro activity against the organism and
may be used as part of the treatment regimen.
• Patients with inhalation anthrax are not contagious and do not require
special isolation procedures.

Vaccination and Prevention
• Currently there is a single vaccine licensed for use; produced from a cellfree
culture supernatant of an attenuated strain of B. anthracis (Stern strain).
• Since the efficacy of this vaccine in the postexposure setting has not been
established, current recommendation for postexposure prophylaxis is 60 days
of antibiotics (see Table 31-1)

PLAGUE (YERSINIA PESTIS) (See also Chap. 99) Plague as a
Bioweapon Although plague lacks the environmental stability of anthrax, the
highly contagious nature of the infection and the high mortality rate make it a
potentially important agent of bioterrorism. As a bioweapon, plague would
likely be delivered via an aerosol leading to primary pneumonic plague. In such
an attack, person-to-person transmission of plague via respiratory aerosol could
lead to large numbers of secondary cases.
TREATMENT See Table 31-3 and Chap. 99, p. 482.
HPIM-16) Smallpox as a Bioweapon Smallpox as a disease was globally
eradicated by 1980 through a worldwide vaccination program. However, with
the cessation of smallpox immunization programs in the United States in 1972
(and worldwide in 1980), close to half the U.S. population is fully susceptible
to smallpox today. Given the infectious nature and the 10–30% mortality of
smallpox in unimmunized individuals, the deliberate release of virus could have
devastating effects on the population. In the absence of effective containment
measures, an initial infection of 50–100 persons in a first generation of cases
could expand by a factor of 10 to 20 witheachsucceeding generation. These
considerations make smallpox a formidable bioweapon.

Microbiology and Clinical Features The disease smallpox is caused by
one of two closely related double-strand DNA viruses, V. major and V. minor.
Both viruses are members of the Orthopoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family.
Infection with V. minor is generally less severe, withlow mortality rates; thus,
V. major is the only one considered as a potential bioweapon. Infection with V.
major typically occurs following contact withan infected person from the time
that a maculopapular rash appears through scabbing of the pustular lesions.
Infection is thought to occur from inhalation of virus-containing saliva droplets
from oropharyngeal lesions. Contaminated clothing or linen can also spread
infection. About 12–14 days following initial exposure the patient develops
high fever, malaise, vomiting, headache, back pain, and a maculopapular rash
that begins on the face and extremities and spreads to the trunk. The skin lesions
evolve into vesicles that eventually become pustular with scabs. The oral mucosa
also develops macular lesions that progress to ulcers. Smallpox is associated
witha 10–30% mortality. Historically, about 5–10% of naturally occurring
cases manifest as highly virulent atypical forms, classified as hemorrhagic and
malignant. These are difficult to recognize due to their atypical manifestations.
Both forms have similar onset of a severe prostrating illness characterized by
high fever, severe headache, and abdominal and back pain. In the hemorrhagic
form, cutaneous erythema develops followed by petechiae and hemorrhage into
the skin and mucous membranes. In the malignant form, confluent skin lesions
develop but never progress to the pustular stage. Both of these forms are often
fatal, withdeath occurring in 5–6 days.

Treatment is supportive. There is no licensed specific antiviral therapy for
smallpox. While certain antiviral agents, such as cidofovir, have in vitro activity
against V. major, these agents have not been tested clinically. Smallpox
is highly infectious to close contacts; patients who are suspected cases should
be handled with strict isolation procedures.

Vaccination and Prevention Smallpox is a preventable disease following
immunization with vaccinia. Past and current experience indicates that the
smallpox vaccine is associated witha very low incidence of severe complications
(see Table 205-5, p. 1285, HPIM-16). The current dilemma facing our
society regarding assessment of the risk/benefit of smallpox vaccination is that, while the risks of vaccination are known, the risk of someone deliberately and
effectively releasing smallpox into the general population is unknown.

Tularemia as a Bioweapon Tularemia has been studied as a biologic agent
since the mid-twentieth century. Reportedly, both the United States and the
former Soviet Union had active programs investigating this organism as a possible
bioweapon. It has been suggested that the Soviet program extended into
the era of molecular biology and that some strains of F. tularensis may have
been genetically engineered to be resistant to commonly used antibiotics. F.
tularensis is extremely infectious and can cause significant morbidity and mortality.

These facts make it reasonable to consider this organism as a possible
bioweapon that could be disseminated by either aerosol or contamination of
food or drinking water.

Microbiology and Clinical Features See Chap. 99, p. 481.
TREATMENT See Table 31-3 and Chap. 99, p. 481.

VIRAL HEMORRHAGIC FEVERS (See also Chap. 112.) Hemorrhagic
Fever Viruses as Bioweapons Several of the hemorrhagic fever viruses
have been reported to have been weaponized by the former Soviet Union and
the United States. Nonhuman primate studies indicate that infection can be
established with very few virions and that infectious aerosol preparations can
be produced.

Microbiology and Clinical Features See Chap. 112, p. 554.
TREATMENT See Table 31-3 and Chap. 112, p. 555.
Chap. 100) Botulinum Toxin as a Bioweapon In a bioterrorism attack, botulinum
toxin would likely be dispersed as an aerosol or used to contaminate
food. Contamination of the water supply is possible, but the toxin would likely
be degraded by chlorine used to purify drinking water. The toxin can also be
inactivated by heating food to_85_ C for_5 min. The United States, the former
Soviet Union, and Iraq have all acknowledged studying botulinum toxin as a
potential bioweapon. Unique among the Category A agents for not being a live
organism, botulinum toxin is one of the most potent and lethal toxins known to
man. It has been estimated that 1 g of toxin is sufficient to kill 1 million people
if adequately dispersed.

Microbiology and Clinical Features See Chap. 100, p. 487.
TREATMENT See Table 31-3 and Chap. 100, p. 487.
Category B and C Agents (See Table 31-2)
Category B agents are the next highest priority and include agents that are
moderately easy to disseminate, produce moderate morbidity and low mortality,
and require enhanced diagnostic capacity.
Category C agents are the third highest priority agents in the biodefense
agenda. These agents include emerging pathogens, such as SARS (severe acute
respiratory syndrome) coronavirus, to which the general population lacks immunity.

Category C agents could be engineered for mass dissemination in the future. It is important to note that these categories are empirical, and, depending
on future circumstances, the priority ratings for a given microbial agent may

Prevention and Preparedness
As indicated above, a diverse array of agents have the potential to be used
against a civilian population in a bioterrorism attack. The medical profession
must maintain a high index of suspicion that unusual clinical presentations or
clustering of rare diseases may not be a chance occurrence, but rather the first
sign of a bioterrorism attack. Possible early indicators of a bioterrorism attack
could include:
• The occurrence of rare diseases in healthy populations
• The occurrence of unexpectedly large numbers of a rare infection
• The appearance in an urban population of an infectious disease that is usually
confined to rural settings
Given the importance of rapid diagnosis and early treatment for many of
these diseases, it is important that the medical care team report any suspected
cases of bioterrorism immediately to local and state health authorities and/or
the CDC (888-246-2675).

The use of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) as weapons of terror against civilian
populations is a potential threat that must be addressed by public health
officials and the medical profession. The use of both nerve agents and sulfur
mustard by Iraq against Iranian military and Kurdishcivilians and the sarin
attacks in 1994–1995 in Japan underscore this threat.
A detailed description of the various CWAs can be found in Chap. 206,
HPIM-16, and on the CDC website at
In this section only vesicants and nerve agents will be discussed as these are
considered the most likely agents to be used in a terrorist attack.
Vesicants (Sulfur Mustard, Nitrogen Mustard, Lewisite)
Sulfur mustard is the prototype for this group of CWAs and was first used on
the battlefields of Europe in World War I. This agent constitutes both a vapor
and liquid threat to exposed epithelial surfaces. The organs most commonly
affected are the skin, eyes, and airways. Exposure to large quantities of sulfur
mustard can result in bone marrow toxicity. Sulfur mustard dissolves slowly in
aqueous media suchas sweat or tears, but once dissolved it forms reactive
compounds that react with cellular proteins, membranes, and importantly DNA.
Much of the biologic damage from this agent appears to result from DNA alkylation and cross-linking in rapidly dividing cells in the corneal epithelium,
skin, bronchial mucosal epithelium, GI epithelium, and bone marrow. Sulfur
mustard reacts with tissue within minutes of entering the body.

Clinical Features The topical effects of sulfur mustard occur in the skin,
airways, and eyes. Absorption of the agent may produce effects in the bone
marrow and GI tract (direct injury to the GI tract may occur if sulfur mustard
is ingested in contaminated food or water).
• Skin: erythema is the mildest and earliest manifestation; involved areas of
skin then develop vesicles that coalesce to form bullae; high-dose exposure may
lead to coagulation necrosis within bullae.
• Airways: initial and, withmild exposures, the only airway manifestations
are burning of the nares, epistaxis, sinus pain, and pharyngeal pain. With ex posure to higher concentrations, damage to the trachea and lower airways may
occur, producing laryngitis, cough, and dyspnea. With large exposures, necrosis
of the airway mucosa occurs leading to pseudomembrane formation and airway
obstruction. Secondary infection may occur due to bacterial invasion of denuded
respiratory mucosa.
• Eyes: the eyes are the most sensitive organ to injury by sulfur mustard.
Exposure to low concentrations may produce only erythema and irritation. Exposure
to higher concentrations produces progressively more severe conjunctivitis,
photophobia, blepharospasm pain, and corneal damage.
• GI tract manifestations include nausea and vomiting, lasting up to 24 h.
• Bone marrow suppression withpeaks at 7–14 days following exposure may
result in sepsis due to leukopenia.

Immediate decontamination is essential to minimize damage. Immediately
remove clothing and gently washskin withsoap and water. Eyes should be
flushed with copious amounts of water or saline. Subsequent medical care is
supportive. Cutaneous vesicles should be left intact. Larger bullae should be
debrided and treated withtopical antibiotic preparations. Intensive care similar
to that given to severe burn patients is required for pts with severe exposure.
Oxygen may be required for mild/moderate respiratory exposure. Intubation
and mechanical ventilation may be necessary for laryngeal spasm
and severe lower airway damage. Pseudomembranes should be removed by
suctioning; bronchodilators are of benefit for bronchospasm. The use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and/or stem cell transplantation may be effective for severe bone marrow suppression.

Nerve Agents
The organophosphorus nerve agents are the deadliest of the CWAs and work
by inhibiting synaptic acetylcholinesterase, creating an acute cholinergic crisis.
The “classic” organophosphorus nerve agents are tabun, sarin, soman, cyclosarin,
and VX. All agents are liquid at standard temperature and pressure. With
the exception of VX, all these agents are highly volatile, and the spilling of
even a small amount of liquid agent represents a serious vapor hazard.

Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase accounts for the major lifethreatening
effects of these agents. At the cholinergic synapse, the enzyme acetylcholinesterase
functions as a “turn off” switch to regulate cholinergic synaptic
transmission. Inhibition of this enzyme allows released acetylcholine to accumulate, resulting in end-organ overstimulation and leading to what is clinically
referred to as cholinergic crisis.

Clinical Features The clinical manifestations of nerve agent exposure are
identical for vapor and liquid exposure routes. Initial manifestations include
miosis, blurred vision, headache, and copious oropharyngeal secretions. Once
the agent enters the bloodstream (usually via inhalation of vapors) manifestations
of cholinergic overload include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping,
muscle twitching, difficulty breathing, cardiovascular instability, loss of consciousness, seizures, and central apnea. The onset of symptoms following vapor
exposure is rapid (seconds to minutes). Liquid exposure to nerve agents results
in differences in speed of onset and order of symptoms. Contact of a nerve agent
withintact skin produces localized sweating followed by localized muscle fasciculations.
Once in the muscle, the agent enters the circulation and causes the
symptoms described above.
Since nerve agents have a short circulating half-life, improvement should be
rapid if exposure is terminated and supportive care and appropriate antidotes
are given. Thus, the treatment of acute nerve agent poisoning involves decontamination,
respiratory support, antidotes.
1. Decontamination: Procedures are the same as those described above for
sulfur mustard.
2. Respiratory support: Deathfrom nerve agent exposure is usually due to
respiratory failure. Ventilation will be complicated by increased airway
resistance and secretions. Atropine should be given before mechanical
ventilation is instituted.
3. Antidotal therapy (see Table 31-4):
a. Atropine: Generally the preferred anticholinergic agent of choice for
treating acute nerve agent poisoning. Atropine rapidly reverses cholinergic
overload at muscarinic synapses but has little effect at nicotinic
synapses. Thus, atropine can rapidly treat the life-threatening
respiratory effects of nerve agents but will probably not help neuromuscular
effects. The field loading dose is 2–6 mg IM, with repeat
doses given every 5–10 min until breathing and secretions improve.
In the mildly affected pt with miosis and no systemic symptoms,
atropine or homoatropine eye drops may suffice.
b. Oxime therapy: Oximes are nucleophiles that help restore normal
enzyme function by reactivating the cholinesterase whose active site
has been occupied and bound by the nerve agent. The oxime available
in the United States is 2-pralidoxime chloride (2-PAM Cl).
Treatment with2-PAM may cause blood pressure elevation.
c. Anticonvulsant: Seizures caused by nerve agents do not respond to
the usual anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine,
valproate, and lamotrigine. The only class of drugs known
to have efficacy in treating nerve agent–induced seizures are the
benzodiazepines. Diazepam is the only benzodiazepine approved by
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of seizures
(although other benzodiazepines have been shown to work well in
animal models of nerve agent–induced seizures).

Nuclear or radiation-related devices represent a third category of weapon that
could be used in a terrorism attack. There are two major types of attacks that
could occur. The first is the use of radiologic dispersal devices that cause the
dispersal of radioactive material without detonation of a nuclear explosion. Such
devices could use conventional explosives to disperse radionuclides. The second,
and less probable, scenario would be the use of actual nuclear weapons by
terrorists against a civilian target.

Types of Radiation
Alpha radiation consists of heavy, positively charged particles containing two
protons and two neutrons. Due to their large size, alpha particles have limited
penetrating power. Cloth and human skin can usually prevent alpha particles
from penetrating into the body. If alpha particles are internalized, they can cause
significant cellular damage.
Beta radiation consists of electrons and can travel only short distances in
tissue. Plastic layers and clothing can stop most beta particles. Higher energy
beta particles can cause injury to the basal stratum of skin similar to a thermal
Gamma radiation and x-rays are forms of electromagnetic radiation discharged
from the atomic nucleus. Sometimes referred to as penetrating radiation,
bothgamma and x-rays easily penetrate matter and are the principle type
of radiation to cause whole-body exposure (see below).
Neutron particles are heavy and uncharged; often emitted during a nuclear
detonation. Their ability to penetrate tissues is variable, depending upon their
energy. They are less likely to be generated in various scenarios of radiation
The commonly used units of radiation are the rad and the gray. The rad is
the energy deposited within living matter and is equal to 100 ergs/g of tissue.
The rad has been replaced by the SI unit of the gray (Gy). 100 rad _ 1 Gy.

Types of Exposure
Whole-body exposure represents deposition of radiation energy over the entire
body. Alpha and beta particles have limited penetration power and do not cause
significant whole-body exposure unless they are internalized in large amounts.
Whole-body exposure from gamma rays, x-rays, or high-energy neutron particles
can penetrate the body, causing damage to multiple tissues and organs.
External contamination results from fallout of radioactive particles landing
on the body surface, clothing, and hair. This is the dominant form of contamination
likely to occur in a terrorist strike that utilizes a dispersal device. The
most likely contaminants would emit alpha and beta radiation. Alpha particles
do not penetrate the skin and thus would produce minimal systemic damage.
Beta emitters can cause significant cutaneous burns. Gamma emitters cannot
only cause cutaneous burns but can also cause significant internal damage.
Internal contamination will occur when radioactive material is inhaled, ingested,
or is able to enter the body via a disruption in the skin. The respiratory
tract is the main portal of entrance for internal contamination, and the lung is
the organ at greatest risk. Radioactive material entering the GI tract will be
absorbed according to its chemical structure and solubility. Penetration through
the skin usually occurs when wounds or burns have disrupted the cutaneous
barrier. Absorbed radioactive materials will travel throughout the body. Liver,
kidney, adipose tissue, and bone tend to bind and retain radioactive material
more than do other tissues.
Localized exposure results from close contact between highly radioactive
material and a part of the body, resulting in discrete damage to the skin and
deeper structures.

Acute Radiation Sickness
Radiation interactions withatoms can result in ionization and free radical formation
that damages tissue by disrupting chemical bonds and molecular structures
in the cell, including DNA. Radiation can lead to cell death; cells that
recover may have DNA mutations that pose a higher risk for malignant transformation.

Cell sensitivity to radiation damage increases as replication rate increases.
Bone marrow and mucosal surfaces in the GI tract have high mitotic
activity and thus are significantly more prone to radiation damage than slowly
dividing tissues suchas bone and muscle. Acute radiation sickness (ARS) can
develop following exposure of all or most of the human body to ionizing radiation.
The clinical manifestation of ARS reflect the dose and type of radiation
as well as the parts of the body that are exposed.

Clinical Features ARS produces signs and symptoms related to damage
of three major organ systems: GI tract, bone marrow, and neurovascular. The type and dose of radiation and the part of the body exposed will determine the
dominant clinical picture.
• There are four major stages of ARS:
1. Prodrome occurs between hours to 4 days after exposure and lasts from
hours to days. Manifestations include: nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and
2. The latent stage follows the prodrome and is associated with minimal
or no symptoms. It most commonly lasts up to 2 weeks but can last as
long as 6 weeks.
3. Illness follows the latent stage.
4. Death or recovery is the final stage of ARS.
• The higher the radiation dose, the shorter and more severe the stage.
• At low radiation doses (0.7 to 4 Gy), bone marrow suppression occurs and
constitutes the main illness. The pt may develop bleeding or infection secondary
to thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. The bone marrow will generally recover
in most pts. Care is supportive (transfusion, antibiotics, colony-stimulating factors).
• With exposure to 6–8 Gy, the clinical picture is more complicated; the bone
marrow may not recover and deathwill ensue. Damage to the GI mucosa producing
diarrhea, hemorrhage, sepsis, fluid and electrolyte imbalance may occur
and complicate the clinical picture.
• Whole-body exposure to _10 Gy is usually fatal. In addition to severe bone
marrow and GI tract damage, a neurovascular syndrome characterized by vascular
collapse, seizures, and deathmay occur (especially at doses _20 Gy).

Treatment of ARS is largely supportive (Fig. 31-1).
1. Persons contaminated either externally or internally should be decontaminated
as soon as possible. Contaminated clothes should be removed;
showering or washing the entire skin and hair is very important. A radiation
detector should be used to check for residual contamination. Decontamination
of medical personnel should occur following emergency
treatment and decontamination of the pt.
2. Treatment for the hematopoietic system includes appropriate therapy for
neutropenia and infection, transfusion of blood products as needed, and
hematopoietic growth factors. The value of bone marrow transplantation
in this situation is unknown.
3. Partial or total parenteral nutrition is appropriate supportive therapy for
pts withsignificant injury to the GI mucosa.
4. Treatment of internal radionuclide contamination is aimed at reducing
absorption and enhancing elimination of the ingested material (Table
207-2, HPIM-16).
a. Clearance of the GI tract may be achieved by gastric lavage, emetics,
or purgatives, laxatives, ion exchange resins, and aluminum-containing
b. Administration of blocking agents is aimed at preventing the entrance
of radioactive materials into tissues (e.g., potassium iodide,
which blocks the uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid).
c. Diluting agents decrease the absorption of the radionuclide (e.g.,
water in the treatment of tritium contamination).
d. Mobilizing agents are most effective when given immediately; however,
they may still be effective for up to 2 weeks following exposure.
Examples include antithyroid drugs, glucocorticoids, ammo nium chloride, diuretics, expectorants, and inhalants. All of these
should induce the release of radionuclides from tissues.
e. Chelating agents bind many radioactive materials, after which the
complexes are excreted from the body.



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    stay away from his scam posts !!
    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time


    this guy is using to get likes , shares , and fake reviews.
    this guy is a scammer and all his posts are big scam!
    stay away from this guy!
    stay away from his scam posts !!
    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time

    this guy is using to get likes , shares , and fake reviews.
    this guy is a scammer and all his posts are big scam!
    stay away from this guy!
    stay away from his scam posts !!
    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time

    this guy is using to get likes , shares , and fake reviews.
    this guy is a scammer and all his posts are big scam!
    stay away from this guy!
    stay away from his scam posts !!
    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time

    this guy is using to get likes , shares , and fake reviews.
    this guy is a scammer and all his posts are big scam!
    stay away from this guy!
    stay away from his scam posts !!
    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time
