Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Dyspnea

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Abnormally uncomfortable awareness of breathing; intensity quantified by establishing
the amount of physical exertion necessary to produce the sensation.
Dyspnea occurs when work of breathing is excessive.
• Dyspnea most commonly due toqpulmonary capillary pressure,and sometimes
fatigue of respiratory muscles. Vital capacity and lung compliance arep
and airway resistanceq.
• Begins as exertional breathlessness : orthopnea : paroxysmal nocturnal
dyspnea and dyspnea at rest.
• Diagnosis depends on recognition of heart disease,e.g., Hx of MI, presence
of S3, S4,murmurs, cardiomegaly,jugular vein distention, hepatomegaly, and
peripheral edema (Chap. 126). Objective quantification of ventricular function
(echocardiography,radionuclide ventriculography) is often helpful.

• May occur with obstruction anywhere from extrathoracic airways to lung
• Acute dyspnea with difficulty inhaling suggests upper airway obstruction.
Physical exam may reveal inspiratory stridor and retraction of supraclavicular
• Acute intermittent dyspnea with expiratory wheezing suggests reversible
intrathoracic obstruction due to asthma.
• Chronic,slowly progressive exertional dyspnea characterizes emphysema
and CHF.
• Chronic cough with expectoration is typical of chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis.

parenchymal lung diseases,from sarcoidosis to pneumoconioses, may cause
dyspnea. Dyspnea is usually related to exertion early in the course of the illness.
Physical exam typically reveals tachypnea and late inspiratory rales.

PULMONARY EMBOLISM (Chap. 135) Dyspnea is most common
symptom of pulmonary embolus. Repeated discrete episodes of dyspnea may
occur with recurrent pulmonary emboli; tachypnea is frequent.
(Chap. 137) Severe kyphoscoliosis may produce chronic dyspnea,often with
chronic cor pulmonale. Spinal deformity must be severe before respiratory function
is compromised.

Pts with bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis appear normal while standing,but
complain of severe orthopnea and display paradoxical abnormal respiratory
movement when supine.

Approach to the Patient
Elicit a description of the amount of physical exertion necessary to produce the
sensation and whether it varies under different conditions.
• If acute upper airway obstruction is suspected,lateral neck films or fiberoptic
exam of upper airway may be helpful.
• With chronic upper airway obstruction the respiratory flow-volume curve
may show inspiratory cutoff of flow,suggesting variable extrathoracic obstruction.
• Dyspnea due to emphysema is reflected in a reduction in expiratory flow
rates (FEV1),and often by a reduction in diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide
• Pts with intermittent dyspnea due to asthma may have normal pulmonary
function if tested when asymptomatic.
Differentiation between Cardiac and Pulmonary Dyspnea
Careful history: Dyspnea of lung disease usually more gradual in onset than
that of heart disease; nocturnal exacerbations common with each.
Examination: Usually obvious evidence of cardiac or pulmonary disease.
Findings may be absent at rest when symptoms are present only with exertion.
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP): Elevated in cardiac but not pulmonary
Pulmonary function tests: Pulmonary disease rarely causes dyspnea unless
tests of obstructive disease (FEV1,FEV 1/FVC) or restrictive disease (total lung
capacity) are reduced (_80% predicted).
Ventricular performance: LV ejection fraction at rest and/or during exercise
usually depressed in cardiac dyspnea.
• Cardiac dyspnea usually begins as breathlessness on strenuous exertion with
gradual (months-to-years) progression to dyspnea at rest.
• Pts with dyspnea due to both cardiac and pulmonary diseases may report
orthopnea. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea occurring after awakening from sleep
is characteristic of CHF.
• Dyspnea of chronic obstructive lung disease tends to develop more gradually
than that of heart disease.
• PFTs should be performed when etiology is not clear. When the diagnosis
remains obscure a pulmonary stress test is often useful.
• Management depends on elucidating etiology.

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