Fluid delivery to
the GI tract is 8–10 L/d,including 2 L/d ingested; most
is absorbed in small
bowel. Colonic absorption is normally 0.05–2 L/d,with
capacity for 6 L/d if
required. Intestinal water absorption passively follows
active transport of Na_,
Cl_,glucose,and bile salts. Additional transport
mechanisms include Cl_/
_ exchange,Na _/H_ exchange,H _, K_,Cl _,and HCO3
_ secretion,Na _- glucose cotransport,and active Na_
transport across the basolateral membrane
by Na_,K_-ATPase.
1. Proximal small intestine:
iron,calcium,folate,fats (after hydrolysis of triglycerides
to fatty acids by pancreatic lipase and
colipase),proteins (after
hydrolysis by pancreatic and intestinal
peptidases),carbohydrates (after hydrolysis
by amylases and disaccharidases); triglycerides absorbed
as micelles
after solubilization by bile salts; amino acids and
dipeptides absorbed
via specific carriers; sugars absorbed by active
2. Distal small intestine: vitamin B12,bile salts,
3. Colon: water,electrolytes.
INTESTINAL MOTILITY Allows propulsion of intestinal
from stomach to anus and separation of components to
facilitate nutrient absorption.
Propulsion is controlled by neural,myogenic,and hormonal
mediated by migrating motor complex,an organized wave of
activity that originates in the distal stomach during
fasting and
migrates slowly down the small intestine. Colonic
motility is mediated by local
peristalsis to propel feces. Defecation is effected by
relaxation of internal anal
sphincter in response to rectal distention,with voluntary
control by contraction
of external anal sphincter.
PHYSIOLOGY Formally defined as fecal output
_200 g/d on low-fiber
(western) diet; also frequently used to connote loose or watery
stools. Mediated
by one or more of the following mechanisms:
Osmotic Diarrhea Nonabsorbed solutes increase
intraluminal oncotic
pressure,causing outpouring of water; usually ceases with
fasting; stool osmolal
gap _ 40 (see below). Causes include disaccharidase
(e.g.,lactase) deficiencies,
pancreatic insufficiency,bacterial overgrowth,lactulose
or sorbitol ingestion,
polyvalent laxative abuse,celiac or tropical sprue, and
short bowel syndrome.
Lactase deficiency can be either primary (more prevalent in
blacks and Asians,
usually presenting in early adulthood) or secondary (from
viral,bacterial, or
protozoal gastroenteritis,celiac or tropical sprue,
or kwashiorkor).
Secretory Diarrhea Active ion secretion causes
obligatory water loss; diarrhea
is usually watery,often profuse, unaffected by fasting;
stool Na_ and K_
are elevated with osmolal gap _ 40. Causes include viral
infections (e.g.,rotavirus,
Norwalk virus),bacterial infections (e.g., cholera,
enterotoxigenic Escherichia
coli, Staphylococcus aureus),protozoa
(e.g., Giardia, Isospora, Cryptosporidium),
AIDS-associated disorders (including mycobacterial and
HIV-induced),medications (e.g., theophylline,colchicine,
prostaglandins, diuretics), Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (excess gastrin
production), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-producing tumors,carcinoid
tumors (histamine and serotonin), medullary thyroid carcinoma (prostaglandins
and calcitonin), systemic
mastocytosis,basophilic leukemia, distal colonic villous
adenomas (direct secretion
of potassium-rich fluid),collagenous and microscopic
colitis, and cholerrheic
diarrhea (from ileal malabsorption of bile salts).
Exudative Inflammation,necrosis, and sloughing
of colonic mucosa; may
include component of secretory diarrhea due to
prostaglandin release by inflammatory cells; stools usually contain PMNs as
well as occult or gross blood.
Causes include bacterial infections [e.g., Campylobacter,
Salmonella, Shigella,
Yersinia,invasive or enterotoxigenic E.
coli, Vibrio parahemolyticus, Clostridium
difficile colitis (frequently
antibiotic-induced)],colonic parasites (e.g., Entamoeba
histolytica),Crohn’s disease, ulcerative
proctocolitis, idiopathic inflammatory
bowel disease,radiation enterocolitis, cancer
chemotherapeutic agents,
and intestinal ischemia.
Altered Intestinal Motility Alteration of coordinated control of
propulsion; diarrhea often intermittent or alternating
with constipation. Causes
include diabetes mellitus,adrenal insufficiency,
hyperthyroidism, collagen-vascular
diseases,parasitic infestations, gastrin and VIP
hypersecretory states, amyloidosis,
laxatives (esp. magnesium-containing agents), antibiotics
(esp. erythromycin),
cholinergic agents, primary neurologic dysfunction (e.g.,
disease,traumatic neuropathy),fecal impaction,
diverticular disease, and irritable
bowel syndrome. Blood in intestinal lumen is
cathartic,and major upper
GI bleeding leads to diarrhea from increased motility.
Decreased Absorptive Surface Usually arises from surgical
(e.g.,extensive bowel resection or rearrangement) that
leaves inadequate absorptive
surface for fat and carbohydrate digestion and fluid and
absorption; occurs spontaneously from enteroenteric
fistulas (esp. gastrocolic).
EVALUATION History Diarrhea must be distinguished from
fecal incontinence,
change in stool caliber, rectal bleeding, and small,
frequent, but
otherwise normal stools. Careful medication history is
essential. Alternating
diarrhea and constipation suggests fixed colonic
obstruction (e.g.,from carcinoma)
or irritable bowel syndrome. A sudden,acute course,often
with nausea,
vomiting,and fever, is typical of viral and bacterial
infections, diverticulitis,
ischemia,radiation enterocolitis, or drug-induced
diarrhea and may be the initial
presentation of inflammatory bowel disease. _90% of acute
diarrheal illnesses
are infectious in etiology. A longer (_4 weeks),more
insidious course suggests
malabsorption,inflammatory bowel disease, metabolic or
endocrine disturbance,
pancreatic insufficiency,laxative abuse,ischemia,
neoplasm (hypersecretory
state or partial obstruction),or irritable bowel
syndrome. Parasitic and
certain forms of bacterial enteritis can also produce
chronic symptoms. Particularly
foul-smelling or oily stool suggests fat malabsorption.
Fecal impaction
may cause apparent diarrhea because only liquids pass
partial obstruction. Several
infectious causes of diarrhea are associated with an
state (Table 52-1).
Physical Examination Signs of dehydration are often prominent
in severe,
acute diarrhea. Fever and abdominal tenderness suggest
infection or inflammatory
disease but are often absent in viral enteritis. Evidence
of malnutrition
suggests chronic course. Certain signs are frequently
associated with specific
deficiency states secondary to malabsorption
(e.g.,cheilosis with riboflavin or
iron deficiency,glossitis with B12,folate deficiency).
Stool Examination Culture for bacterial
pathogens,examination for leukocytes,
measurement of C. difficile toxin,and examination
for ova and parasites
are important components of evaluation of pts with
severe,protracted,or bloody
diarrhea. Presence of blood (fecal occult blood test) or
leukocytes (Wright’s
stain) suggests inflammation (e.g.,ulcerative colitis,
Crohn’s disease, infection,
or ischemia). Gram’s stain of stool can be diagnostic of Staphylococcus,
Campylobacter, or Candida infection. Steatorrhea (determined with
Sudan III stain
of stool sample or 72-h quantitative fecal fat analysis)
suggests malabsorption
or pancreatic insufficiency. Measurement of Na_ and K_
levels in fecal water
helps to distinguish osmotic from other types of
diarrhea; osmotic diarrhea is
implied by stool osmolal gap _ 40,where stool osmolal gap
_ osmolserum _
[2 _ (Na_ _ K_)stool].
Laboratory Studies CBC may indicate anemia (acute or
chronic blood loss
or malabsorption of iron,folate, or B12),leukocytosis
(inflammation), eosinophilia
(parasitic,neoplastic, and inflammatory bowel diseases).
Serum levels of
calcium, albumin,iron, cholesterol,folate,B 12,vitamin D,
and carotene; serum
iron-binding capacity; and prothrombin time can provide
evidence of intestinal
malabsorption or maldigestion.
Other Studies D-Xylose absorption test is a
convenient screen for smallbowel
absorptive function. Small-bowel biopsy is especially
useful for evaluating
intestinal malabsorption. Specialized studies include
Schilling test (B12
malabsorption),lactose H2 breath test (carbohydrate
malabsorption),[ 14C]xylose
and lactulose H2 breath tests (bacterial overgrowth),glycocholic
breath test (ileal
malabsorption),triolein breath test (fat malabsorption),
and bentiromide and
secretin tests (pancreatic insufficiency). Sigmoidoscopy
or colonoscopy with
biopsy is useful in the diagnosis of colitis (esp.
microscopic); it may not allow distinction between
infectious and noninfectious
(esp. idiopathic ulcerative) colitis. Barium contrast
x-ray studies may suggest malabsorption (thickened bowel folds),inflammatory
bowel disease (ileitis or
colitis), tuberculosis (ileocecal
inflammation),neoplasm,intestinal fistula, or
motility disorders.
An approach to the management of acute diarrheal
illnesses is shown in Fig.
52-1. Symptomatic therapy includes vigorous rehydration
(IV or with oral
glucose-electrolyte solutions),electrolyte replacement,
binders of osmotically
active substances (e.g.,kaolin-pectin),and opiates to
decrease bowel motility
(e.g.,loperamide,diphenoxylate); opiates may be
contraindicated in infectious
or inflammatory causes of diarrhea. An approach to the
management of
chronic diarrhea is shown in Fig. 52-2.
Intestinal malabsorption of ingested nutrients may
produce osmotic diarrhea,
steatorrhea,or specific deficiencies (e.g., iron; folate;
B12; vitamins A,D,E, and
K). Table 52-2 lists common causes of intestinal
malabsorption. Protein-losing
enteropathy may result from several causes of
malabsorption; it is associated
with hypoalbuminemia and can be detected by measuring
stool 1-antitrypsin
or radiolabeled albumin levels. Therapy is directed at
the underlying disease.
Defined as decrease in frequency of stools to _1 per week
or difficulty in
defecation; may result in abdominal pain,distention,and
fecal impaction, with
consequent obstruction or,rarely,perforation. A frequent
and often subjective
complaint. Contributory factors may include
inactivity,low-fiber diet, and inadequate allotment of time for defecation.
SPECIFIC CAUSES Altered colonic motility due to
neurologic dysfunction
(diabetes mellitus, spinal cord injury,multiple
sclerosis,Chagas’ disease,
Hirschsprung’s disease,chronic idiopathic intestinal
pseudoobstruction, idiopathic
megacolon),scleroderma, drugs (esp. anticholinergic
agents, opiates, aluminum-
or calcium-based antacids,calcium channel blockers, iron
sucralfate), hypothyroidism,Cushing’s
syndrome,hypokalemia, hypercalcemia,
dehydration,mechanical causes (colorectal tumors,
diverticulitis, volvulus, hernias,
intussusception), and anorectal pain (from fissures,hemorrhoids,
or proctitis) leading to retention,constipation,and fecal
In absence of identifiable cause,constipation may improve
with reassurance,
exercise,increased dietary fiber,bulking agents (e.g.,
psyllium), and increased
fluid intake. Specific therapies include removal of bowel
obstruction (fecolith, tumor),discontinuance of nonessential hypomotility
agents (esp. aluminumor
calcium-containing antacids,opiates) or substitute
magnesium-based antacids
for aluminum-based antacids. For symptomatic
agents or other cathartics are occasionally needed. With
severe hypoor
dysmotility or in presence of opiates,osmotically active
agents (e.g., oral
lactulose,intestinal polyethylene glycol–containing
lavage solutions) and oral
or rectal emollient laxatives (e.g.,docusate salts) and
mineral oil are most
Common Causes of Malabsorption
Maldigestion: Chronic pancreatitis,cystic
fibrosis, pancreatic carcinoma
Bile salt deficiency: Cirrhosis,cholestasis,bacterial
overgrowth (blind loop syndromes, intestinal diverticula, hypomotility
disorders), impaired ileal reabsorption (resection,Crohn’s disease),bile salt
binders (cholestyramine, calcium
carbonate,neomycin) Inadequate absorptive surface:
Massive intestinal resection,gastrocolic fistula, jejunoileal bypass
Lymphatic obstruction: Lymphoma,Whipple’s disease,
intestinal lymphangiectasia
Vascular disease: Constrictive
pericarditis,right-sided heart failure, mesenteric
arterial or venous insufficiency Mucosal disease:
Infection (esp. Giardia,Whipple’s disease, tropical sprue), inflammatory
diseases (esp. Crohn’s disease),radiation enteritis, eosinophilic enteritis,ulcerative
jejunitis,mastocytosis,tropical sprue, infiltrative disorders
(amyloidosis,scleroderma, lymphoma,collagenous sprue,
microscopic colitis),
biochemical abnormalities (gluten-sensitive enteropathy,
deficiency,hypogammaglobulinemia, abetalipoproteinemia,
amino acid transport
deficiencies),endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus,
adrenal insufficiency,hyperthyroidism, Zollinger-Ellison
syndrome, carcinoid
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