Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion

Nausea refers to the imminent desire to vomit and often precedes or accompanies
vomiting. Vomiting refers to the forceful expulsion of gastric contents
through the mouth. Retching refers to labored rhythmic respiratory activity that
precedes emesis. Regurgitation refers to the gentle expulsion of gastric contents
in the absence of nausea and abdominal diaphragmatic muscular contraction.
Rumination refers to the regurgitation,rechewing,and reswallowing of food
from the stomach.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Gastric contents are propelled into the esophagus
when there is relaxation of the gastric fundus and gastroesophageal sphincter
followed by a rapid increase in intraabdominal pressure produced by contraction
of the abdominal and diaphragmatic musculature. Increased intrathoracic pressure
results in further movement of the material to the mouth. Reflex elevation
of the soft palate and closure of the glottis protects the nasopharynx and trachea
and completes the act of vomiting. Vomiting is controlled by two brainstem
areas,the vomiting center and chemoreceptor trigger zone. Activation of the
chemoreceptor trigger zone results in impulses to the vomiting center,which
controls the physical act of vomiting.

ETIOLOGY Nausea and vomiting are manifestations of a large number
of disorders (Table 48-1).

EVALUATION The history,including a careful drug history,and the
timing and character of the vomitus can be helpful. For example,vomiting that
occurs predominantly in the morning is often seen in pregnancy,uremia, and
alcoholic gastritis; feculent emesis implies distal intestinal obstruction or gastrocolic fistula; projectile vomiting suggests increased intracranial pressure;
vomiting during or shortly after a meal may be due to psychogenic causes or
peptic ulcer disease. Associated symptoms may also be helpful: vertigo and
tinnitus in Me´nie`re’s disease,relief of abdominal pain with vomiting in peptic
ulcer,and early satiety in gastroparesis. Plain radiographs can suggest diagnoses
such as intestinal obstruction. The upper GI series assesses motility of the proximal
GI tract as well as the mucosa. Other studies may be indicated such as
gastric emptying scans (diabetic gastroparesis) and CT scan of the brain.

COMPLICATIONS Rupture of the esophagus (Boerhaave’s syndrome),
hematemesis from a mucosal tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome),dehydration, malnutrition, dental caries and erosions,metabolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, and aspiration pneumonitis.

This should be directed toward correcting the specific cause. The effectiveness
of antiemetic medications depends on etiology of symptoms,pt responsiveness,
and side effects. Antihistamines such as dimenhydrinate and promethazine
hydrochloride are effective for nausea due to inner ear dysfunction.
Anticholinergics such as scopolamine are effective for nausea associated with
motion sickness. Haloperidol and phenothiazine derivatives such as prochlorperazine are often effective in controlling mild nausea and vomiting,but sedation, hypotension, and parkinsonian symptoms are common side effects.
Selective dopamine antagonists such as metoclopramide may be superior to
the phenothiazines in treating severe nausea and vomiting and are particularly
useful in treatment of gastroparesis. Intravenous metoclopramide may be effective
as prophylaxis against nausea when given prior to chemotherapy. Cisapride,
the preferred drug for gastroparesis,exerts peripheral antiemetic effects
but is devoid of the CNS effects of metoclopramide. Ondansetron and
palosetron,serotonin receptor blockers, and glucocorticoids are used for treating
nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy. Aprepitant,a
neurokinin receptor blocker,is effective at controlling nausea from highly
emetic drugs like cisplatin. Erythromycin is effective in some pts with gastroparesis.

Indigestion is a nonspecific term that encompasses a variety of upper abdominal
complaints including heartburn,regurgitation, and dyspepsia (upper abdominal
discomfort or pain). These symptoms are overwhelmingly due to gastroesophageal
reflux disease (GERD).

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY GERD occurs as a consequence of acid reflux
into the esophagus from the stomach,gastric motor dysfunction, or visceral
afferent hypersensitivity. A wide variety of situations promote GERD: increased gastric contents (from a large meal,gastric stasis,or acid hypersecretion), physical
factors (lying down,bending over),increased pressure on the stomach (tight
clothes,obesity, ascites,pregnancy),loss (usually intermittent) of lower esophageal
sphincter tone (diseases such as scleroderma,smoking, anticholinergics,
calcium antagonists). Hiatal hernia also promotes acid flow into the esophagus.
NATURAL HISTORY Heartburn is reported once monthly by 40% of
Americans and daily by 7%. Functional dyspepsia is defined as _3 months of
dyspepsia without an organic cause. Functional dyspepsia is the cause of symptoms in 60% of pts with dyspeptic symptoms. However,peptic ulcer disease
from either Helicobacter pylori infection or ingestion of NSAIDs is present in
15% of cases.

In most cases,the esophagus is not damaged, but 5% of pts develop esophageal
ulcers and some form strictures. 8–20% develop glandular epithelial cell
metaplasia,termed Barrett’s esophagus,which can progress to adenocarcinoma.
Extraesophageal manifestations include asthma,laryngitis, chronic cough,
aspiration pneumonitis,chronic bronchitis,sleep apnea, dental caries, halitosis,
and hiccups.

EVALUATION The presence of dysphagia,odynophagia, unexplained
weight loss,recurrent vomiting leading to dehydration, occult or gross bleeding,
or a palpable mass or adenopathy are “alarm” signals that demand directed
radiographic,endoscopic, and surgical evaluation. Pts without alarm features
are generally treated empirically. Individuals _45 years can be tested for the
presence of H. pylori. Pts positive for the infection are treated to eradicate the
organism. Pts who fail to respond to H. pylori treatment,those _45 years old,
and those with alarm factors generally undergo upper GI endoscopy.

Weight reduction; elevation of the head of the bed; and avoidance of large
meals,smoking,caffeine,alcohol,chocolate, fatty food,citrus juices, and
NSAIDs may prevent GERD. Antacids are widely used. Clinical trials suggest
that proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole) are more effective than histamine
receptor blockers (ranitidine) in patients with or without esophageal erosions.
H. pylori eradication regimens are discussed in Chap. 150. Cisapride can
stimulate gastric emptying. Omeprazole plus cisapride is a rational combination.
Surgical techniques (Nissan fundoplication,Belsey procedure) can be used
in the rare pts who are refractory to medical management. Clinical trials have
not documented the superiority of one over another.

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