Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Jaundice and Evaluation of Liver Function

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jaundice and Evaluation of Liver Function

DEFINITION Yellow skin pigmentation caused by elevation in serum
bilirubin level (also termed icterus); often more easily discernible in sclerae.
Scleral icterus becomes clinically evident at a serum bilirubin level of _51
_mol/L (_3 mg/dL); yellow skin discoloration also occurs with elevated serum
carotene levels but without pigmentation of the sclerae.

BILIRUBIN METABOLISM Bilirubin is the major breakdown product
of hemoglobin released from senescent erythrocytes. Initially it is bound to
albumin,transported into the liver,conjugated to a water-soluble form (glucuronide)
by glucuronosyl transferase,excreted into the bile,and converted to
urobilinogen in the colon. Urobilinogen is mostly excreted in the stool; a small
portion is reabsorbed and excreted by the kidney. Bilirubin can be filtered by
the kidney only in its conjugated form (measured as the “direct” fraction); thus
increased direct serum bilirubin level is associated with bilirubinuria. Increased
bilirubin production and excretion (even without hyperbilirubinemia,as in hemolysis) produce elevated urinary urobilinogen levels.

ETIOLOGY Hyperbilirubinemia occurs as a result of (1) overproduction;
(2) impaired uptake,conjugation,or excretion of bilirubin; (3) regurgitation of
unconjugated or conjugated bilirubin from damaged hepatocytes or bile ducts
(Table 54-1).

EVALUATION The initial steps in evaluating the pt with jaundice are to
determine whether (1) hyperbilirubinemia is conjugated or unconjugated,and (2) other biochemical liver tests are abnormal (Fig. 54-1,Tables 54-2 and 54-
3). Essential clinical examination includes history (especially duration of jaundice,
pruritus,associated pain,risk factors for parenterally transmitted diseases,
medications,ethanol use, travel history,surgery,pregnancy, presence of any accompanying symptoms),physical examination (hepatomegaly, tenderness
over liver, palpable gallbladder,splenomegaly,gynecomastia,testicular atrophy,
other stigmata of chronic liver disease), blood liver tests (see below), and complete blood count.

Gilbert’s Syndrome Impaired conjugation of bilirubin due to reduced bilirubin
UDP glucuronosyltransferase activity. Results in mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
almost always _103 _mol/L (_6 mg/dL). Affects 3–7% of
the population; males/females 2–7:1.
Causes of Isolated Hyperbilirubinemia
I. Indirect hyperbilirubinemia
A. Hemolytic disorders
1. Inherited
a. Spherocytosis,elliptocytosis
b. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and pyruvate kinase
c. Sickle cell anemia
2. Acquired
a. Microangiopathic hemolytic anemias
b. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
c. Immune hemolysis
B. Ineffective erythropoiesis
1. Cobalamin,folate, thalassemia, and severe iron deficiencies
C. Drugs
1. Rifampicin,probenecid, ribavirin
D. Inherited conditions
1. Crigler-Najjar types I and II
Gilbert’s syndrome
II. Direct hyperbilirubinemia
A. Inherited conditions
1. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Rotor’s syndrome
DEFINITION Generally a span of _12 cm in the right midclavicular line
or a palpable left lobe in the epigastrium. It is important to exclude low-lying
liver (e.g.,with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung hyperinflation)
and other RUQ masses (e.g.,enlarged gallbladder or bowel or kidney tumor).
Independent assessment of size best obtained from ultrasound (US) or CT examination.
Contour and texture are important: Focal enlargement or rocklike
consistency suggests tumor; tenderness suggests inflammation (e.g.,hepatitis)
or rapid enlargement (e.g.,right-sided heart failure, Budd-Chiari syndrome, fatty
infiltration). Cirrhotic livers are usually firm and nodular,often enlarged until
late in course. Pulsations frequently connote tricuspid regurgitation. Arterial
bruit or hepatic rub suggests tumor. Portal hypertension is occasionally associated
with continuous venous hum.

Used to detect presence of liver disease,discriminate among different types of
liver disease (Table 54-4),gauge the extent of known liver damage, follow
response to treatment.

BILIRUBIN Provides indication of hepatic uptake,metabolic (conjugation)
and excretory functions; conjugated fraction (direct) distinguished from
unconjugated by chemical assay (Table 54-1).

(AST; SGOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT; SGPT); sensitive indicators of liver cell injury; greatest elevations seen in hepatocellular necrosis
(e.g.,viral hepatitis,toxic or ischemic liver injury, acute hepatic vein obstruction),
occasionally with sudden, complete biliary obstruction (e.g., from gallstone);
milder abnormalities in cholestatic,cirrhotic, and infiltrative disease;
poor correlation between degree of liver cell damage and level of aminotransferases;
ALT more specific measure of liver injury,since AST also found in
striated muscle and other organs; ethanol-induced liver injury usually produces
modest increases with more prominent elevation of AST than ALT.

ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE Sensitive indicator of cholestasis,biliary
obstruction (enzyme increases more quickly than serum bilirubin),and liver
infiltration; mild elevations in other forms of liver disease; limited specificity
because of wide tissue distribution; elevations also seen in childhood,pregnancy,
and bone diseases; tissue-specific isoenzymes can be distinguished by fractionation or by differences in heat stability (liver enzyme activity stable
under conditions that destroy bone enzyme activity).

5_-NUCLEOTIDASE (5_-NT) Pattern of elevation in hepatobiliary disease
similar to alkaline phosphatase; has greater specificity for liver disorders;
used to determine whether liver is source of elevation in serum alkaline phosphatase, esp. in children,pregnant women,pts with possible concomitant bone
disease. -GLUTAMYLTRANSPEPTIDASE (GGT) Correlates with serum alkaline
phosphatase activity. Elevation is less specific for cholestasis than alkaline
phosphatase or 5_-NT.

PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) (See also Chap. 66) Measure of clotting
factor activity; prolongation results from clotting factor deficiency or inactivity;
all clotting factors except factor VIII are synthesized in the liver,and deficiency
can occur rapidly from widespread liver disease as in hepatitis,toxic injury, or
cirrhosis; single best acute measure of hepatic synthetic function; helpful in Dx
and prognosis of acute liver disease. Clotting factors II, VII,IX,X function
only in the presence of the fat-soluble vitamin K; PT prolongation from fat
malabsorption distinguished from hepatic disease by rapid and complete response
to vitamin K replacement.

ALBUMIN Decreased serum levels result from decreased hepatic synthesis
(chronic liver disease or prolonged malnutrition) or excessive losses in urine
or stool; insensitive indicator of acute hepatic dysfunction,since serum half-life
is 2 to 3 weeks; in pts with chronic liver disease,degree of hypoalbuminemia
correlates with severity of liver dysfunction.

GLOBULIN Mild polyclonal hyperglobulinemia often seen in chronic
liver diseases; marked elevation frequently seen in autoimmune chronic active

AMMONIA Elevated blood levels result from deficiency of hepatic detoxification
pathways and portal-systemic shunting,as in fulminant hepatitis,
hepatotoxin exposure,and severe portal hypertension (e.g., from cirrhosis); elevation of blood ammonia does not correlate well with hepatic function or the
presence or degree of acute encephalopathy.
ULTRASONOGRAPHY Rapid,noninvasive examination of abdominal
structures; no radiation exposure; relatively low cost,equipment portable; images
and interpretation strongly dependent on expertise of examiner; particularly
valuable for detecting biliary duct dilatation and gallbladder stones (_95%);
much less sensitive for intraductal stones (_60%); most sensitive means of
detecting ascites; moderately sensitive for detecting hepatic masses but excellent
for discriminating solid from cystic structures; useful in directing percutaneous
needle biopsies of suspicious lesions; Doppler US useful to determine patency
and flow in portal,hepatic veins and portal-systemic shunts; imaging improved
by presence of ascites but severely hindered by bowel gas; endoscopic US less
affected by bowel gas and is sensitive for determination of depth of tumor
invasion through bowel wall.

CT Particularly useful for detecting,differentiating, and directing percutaneous
needle biopsy of abdominal masses,cysts, and lymphadenopathy; imaging
enhanced by intestinal or intravenous contrast dye and unaffected by
intestinal gas; somewhat less sensitive than US for detecting stones in gallbladder
but more sensitive for choledocholithiasis; may be useful in distinguishing
certain forms of diffuse hepatic disease (e.g.,fatty infiltration,iron overload).
MRI Most sensitive detection of hepatic masses and cysts; allows easy
differentiation of hemangiomas from other hepatic tumors; most accurate noninvasive means of assessing hepatic and portal vein patency,vascular invasion
by tumor; useful for monitoring iron,copper deposition in liver (e.g., in hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease).

RADIONUCLIDE SCANNING Using various radiolabeled compounds,
different scanning methods allow sensitive assessment of biliary excretion
(HIDA,PIPIDA, DISIDA scans), parenchymal changes (technetium sulfur colloid
liver/spleen scan),and selected inflammatory and neoplastic processes (gallium
scan); HIDA and related scans particularly useful for assessing biliary
patency and excluding acute cholecystitis in situations where US is not diagnostic;
CT,MRI, and colloid scans have similar sensitivity for detecting liver
tumors and metastases; CT and combination of colloidal liver and lung scans
sensitive for detecting right subphrenic (suprahepatic) abscesses.

CHOLANGIOGRAPHY Most sensitive means of detecting biliary ductal
calculi,biliary tumors, sclerosing cholangitis, choledochal cysts, fistulas, and
bile duct leaks; may be performed via endoscopic (transampullary) or percutaneous
(transhepatic) route; allows sampling of bile and ductal epithelium for
cytologic analysis and culture; allows placement of biliary drainage catheter and
stricture dilatation; endoscopic route (ERCP) permits manometric evaluation of
sphincter of Oddi,sphincterotomy, and stone extraction.

ANGIOGRAPHY Most accurate means of determining portal pressures
and assessing patency and direction of flow in portal and hepatic veins; highly
sensitive for detecting small vascular lesions and hepatic tumors (esp. primary
hepatocellular carcinoma); “gold standard” for differentiating hemangiomas
from solid tumors; most accurate means of studying vascular anatomy in preparation for complicated hepatobiliary surgery (e.g.,portal-systemic shunting,
biliary reconstruction) and determining resectability of hepatobiliary and pancreatic tumors. Similar anatomic information (but not intravascular pressures)
can often be obtained noninvasively by CT- and MR-based techniques.
PERCUTANEOUS LIVER BIOPSY Most accurate in disorders causing
diffuse changes throughout the liver; subject to sampling error in focal infiltrative disorders such as metastasis; should not be the initial procedure in the Dx
of cholestasis.

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