Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Dysphagia

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Dysphagia is difficulty moving food or liquid through the mouth, pharynx, and
esophagus. The pt senses swallowed material sticking along the path. Odynophagia
is pain on swallowing. Globus pharyngeus is the sensation of a lump
lodged in the throat, but swallowing is unaffected.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Dysphagia is caused by two main mechanisms:
mechanical obstruction or motor dysfunction. Mechanical causes of dysphagia
can be luminal (e.g., large food bolus, foreign body), intrinsic to the esophagus
(e.g., inflammation, webs and rings, strictures, tumors), or extrinsic to the esophagus (e.g., cervical spondylitis, enlarged thyroid or mediastinal mass, vascular compression). The motor function abnormalities that cause dysphagia may be related to defects in initiating the swallowing reflex (e.g., tongue paralysis, lack of saliva, lesions affecting sensory components of cranial nerves X and XI),
disorders of the pharyngeal and esophageal striated muscle (e.g., muscle disorders
such as polymyositis and dermatomyositis, neurologic lesions such as
myasthenia gravis, polio, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and disorders of the
esophageal smooth muscle (e.g., achalasia, scleroderma, myotonic dystrophy).

Approach to the Patient
History can provide a presumptive diagnosis in about 80% of pts. Difficulty
only with solids implies mechanical dysphagia. Difficulty with both solids and
liquids may occur late in the course of mechanical dysphagia but is an early
sign of motor dysphagia. Pts can sometimes pinpoint the site of food sticking.
Weight loss out of proportion to the degree of dysphagia may be a sign of
underlying malignancy. Hoarseness may be related to involvement of the larynx
in the primary disease process (e.g., neuromuscular disorders), neoplastic disruption of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, or laryngitis from gastroesophageal

Physical exam may reveal signs of skeletal muscle, neurologic, or oropharyngeal
diseases. Neck exam can reveal masses impinging on the esophagus.
Skin changes might suggest the systemic nature of the underlying disease (e.g.,

Dysphagia is nearly always a symptom of organic disease rather than a
functional complaint. If oropharyngeal dysphagia is suspected, videofluoroscopy
of swallowing may be diagnostic. Mechanical dysphagia can be evaluated
by barium swallow and esophagogastroscopy with endoscopic biopsy. Barium
swallow and esophageal motility studies can show the presence of motor

OROPHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA Pt has difficulty initiating the swallow;
food sticks at the level of the suprasternal notch; nasopharyngeal regurgitation
and aspiration may be present.

Causes include: for solids only, carcinoma, aberrant vessel, congenital or
acquired web (Plummer-Vinson syndrome in iron deficiency), cervical osteophyte;
for solids and liquids, cricopharyngeal bar (e.g., hypertensive or hypotensive
upper esophageal sphincter), Zenker’s diverticulum (outpouching in the
posterior midline at the intersection of the pharynx and the cricopharyngeus
muscle), myasthenia gravis, glucocorticoid myopathy, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, myotonic dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy.

ESOPHAGEAL DYSPHAGIA Food sticks in the mid or lower sternal
area; can be associated with regurgitation, aspiration, odynophagia. Causes include: for solids only, lower esophageal ring (Schatzki’s ring, symptoms are
usually intermittent), peptic stricture (heartburn accompanies this), carcinoma,
lye stricture; for solids and liquids, diffuse esophageal spasm (occurs with chest
pain and is intermittent), scleroderma (progressive and occurs with heartburn),
achalasia (progressive and occurs without heartburn).

Thirty percent of pts presenting with chest pain have an esophageal source rather
than angina. History and physical exam often cannot distinguish cardiac from
noncardiac pain. Exclude cardiac disease first. Causes include: gastroesophageal
reflux disease, esophageal motility disorders, peptic ulcer disease, gallstones,
psychiatric disease (anxiety, panic attacks, depression).

Evaluation Consider a trial of antireflux therapy (omeprazole); if no response,
24-h ambulatory luminal pH monitoring; if negative, esophageal manometry
may show motor disorder. Trial of imipramine, 50 mg PO qhs, may
be worthwhile. Consider psychiatric evaluation in selected cases.

Pts may have a spectrum of manometric findings ranging from nonspecific abnormalities to defined clinical entities.

ACHALASIA Motor obstruction caused by hypertensive lower esophageal
sphincter (LES), incomplete relaxation of LES, or loss of peristalsis in
smooth-muscle portion of esophagus. Causes include: primary (idiopathic) or
secondary due to Chagas’ disease, lymphoma, carcinoma, chronic idiopathic
intestinal pseudoobstruction, ischemia, neurotropic viruses, drugs, toxins, radiation
therapy, postvagotomy.

Evaluation Chest x-ray shows absence of gastric air bubble. Barium swallow
shows dilated esophagus with distal beaklike narrowing and air-fluid level.
Endoscopy is done to rule out cancer, particularly in persons _50 years. Manometry shows normal or elevated LESpressure, decreased LES relaxation,
absent peristalsis.

Pneumatic balloon dilatation is effective in 85%, 3–5% risk of perforation or
bleeding. Injection of botulinum toxin at endoscopy to relax LESis safe and
effective but effects last only about 12 months. Myotomy of LES(Heller
procedure) is effective, but 10–30% of pts develop gastroesophageal reflux.
Nifedipine, 10–20 mg, or isosorbide dinitrate, 5–10 mg SL ac, may avert
need for dilatation or surgery.

SPASTIC DISORDERS Diffuse esophageal spasm involves multiple
spontaneous and swallow-induced contractions of the esophageal body that are
of simultaneous onset, long duration, and recurrent. Causes include: primary
(idiopathic) or secondary due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, emotional
stress, diabetes, alcoholism, neuropathy, radiation therapy, ischemia, or collagen
vascular disease.
An important variant is nutcracker esophagus: high-amplitude (_180
mmHg) peristaltic contractions; particularly associated with chest pain or dysphagia, but correlation between symptoms and manometry is inconsistent. Condition may resolve over time or evolve into diffuse spasm; associated with
increased frequency of depression,anxiety,and somatization.

Evaluation Barium swallow shows corkscrew esophagus,pseudodiverticula,
and diffuse spasm. Manometry shows spasm with multiple simultaneous
esophageal contractions of high amplitude and long duration. In nutcracker
esophagus,the contractions are peristaltic and of high amplitude. If heart disease
has been ruled out,edrophonium,ergonovine, or bethanecol can be used to
provoke spasm.

Anticholinergics are usually of limited value; nitrates (isosorbide dinitrate,5 –
10 mg PO ac) and calcium antagonists (nifedipine,10 –20 mg PO ac) are
more effective. Those refractory to medical management may benefit from
balloon dilatation. Rare pts require surgical intervention; longitudinal myotomy
of esophageal circular muscle. Treatment of concomitant depression
or other psychological disturbance may help.

SCLERODERMA Atrophy of the esophageal smooth muscle and fibrosis
can make the esophagus aperistaltic and lead to an incompetent LES with attendant
reflux esophagitis and stricture. Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux
disease is discussed in Chap. 48.

VIRAL ESOPHAGITIS Herpesviruses I and II,varicella-zoster virus,
and CMV can all cause esophagitis; particularly common in immunocompromised
pts (e.g., AIDS). Odynophagia,dysphagia,fever,and bleeding are symptoms
and signs. Diagnosis is made by endoscopy with biopsy,brush cytology, and culture.

Disease is usually self-limited in the immunocompetent person; viscous lidocaine
can relieve pain; in prolonged cases and in immunocompromised hosts,
herpes and varicella esophagitis are treated with acyclovir,5 –10 mg/kg IV
q8h for 10–14 d,then 200–400 mg PO 5 times a day. CMV is treated with
ganciclovir,5 mg/kg IV q12h, until healing occurs,which may take weeks.
Oral valganciclovir (900 mg bid) is an effective alternative to parenteral treatment.
In nonresponders, foscarnet,60 mg/kg IV q12h for 21 days,may be

CANDIDA ESOPHAGITIS In immunocompromised hosts,malignancy,
diabetes, hypoparathyroidism,hemoglobinopathy,SLE, corrosive esophageal
injury,candidal esophageal infection may present with odynophagia, dysphagia,
and oral thrush (50%). Diagnosis is made on endoscopy by identifying yellowwhite plaques or nodules on friable red mucosa. Characteristic hyphae are seen on KOH stain. In patients with AIDS,the development of symptoms may
prompt an empirical therapeutic trial.
Oral nystatin (100,000 U/mL),5 mL q6h,or clotrimazole, 10-mg tablet
sucked q6h,is effective. In immunocompromised host, fluconazole, 100–200
mg PO daily for 1–3 weeks,is treatment of choice; alternatives include itraconazole, 200 mg PO bid,or ketoconazole,200 –400 mg PO daily; long-term
maintenance therapy is often required. Poorly responsive pts may respond to
higher doses of fluconazole (400 mg/d) or to amphotericin,10 –15 mg IV q6h
for a total dose of 300–500 mg.

PILL-RELATED ESOPHAGITIS Doxycycline,tetracycline, aspirin,
NSAIDs,KCl,quinidine, ferrous sulfate, clindamycin, alprenolol, and alendronate
can induce local inflammation in the esophagus. Predisposing factors
include recumbency after swallowing pills with small sips of water,anatomic
factors impinging on the esophagus and slowing transit.

Withdraw offending drug,use antacids, and dilate any resulting stricture.
OTHER CAUSES OF ESOPHAGITIS IN AIDS Mycobacteria, Cryptosporidium, Pneumocystis carinii,idiopathic esophageal ulcers,giant ulcers
(possible cytopathic effect of HIV) can occur. Ulcers may respond to systemic

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