Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Anemia and Polycythemia

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Anemia and Polycythemia

According to WHO criteria,anemia is defined as blood hemoglobin (Hb) concentration
_ 130 g/L (_13 g/dL) or hematocrit (Hct) _ 39% in adult males;
Hb _ 120 g/L (_12 g/dL) or Hct _ 37% in adult females.
Signs and symptoms of anemia are varied,depending on the level of anemia
and the time course over which it developed. Acute anemia is nearly always
due to blood loss or hemolysis. In acute blood loss,hypovolemia dominates the
clinical picture; hypotension and decreased organ perfusion are the main issues.
Symptoms associated with more chronic onset vary with the age of the pt and
the adequacy of blood supply to critical organs. Moderate anemia is associated
with fatigue, loss of stamina,breathlessness,and tachycardia. The pt’s skin and
mucous membranes may appear pale. If the palmar creases are lighter in color
than the surrounding skin with the fingers extended,Hb level is often _80 g/L (8 g/dL). In pts with coronary artery disease,anginal episodes may appear or
increase in frequency and severity. In pts with carotid artery disease,lightheadedness or dizziness may develop.

A physiologic approach to anemia diagnosis is based on the understanding
that a decrease in circulating red blood cells (RBC) can be related to either
inadequate production of RBCs or increased RBC destruction or loss. Within
the category of inadequate production,erythropoiesis can be either ineffective,
due to an erythrocyte maturation defect (which usually results in RBCs that are
too small or too large),or hypoproliferative (which usually results in RBCs of
normal size,but too few of them).

Basic evaluations include: (1) reticulocyte index (RI),(2) review of blood
smear and RBC indices [particularly mean corpuscular volume (MCV)] (Fig.
The RI is a measure of RBC production. The reticulocyte count is corrected
for the Hct level and for early release of marrow reticulocytes into the circulation,
which leads to an increase in the life span of the circulating reticulocyte
beyond the usual 1 day. Thus,RI _ (% reticulocytes _ pt Hct/45%) _ (1/shift
correction factor). The shift correction factor varies with the Hct: 1.5 for Hct _35%,2 for Hct _ 25%,2.5 for Hct _ 15%. RI _ 2–2.5% implies inadequate
RBC production for the particular level of anemia; RI _ 2.5% implies excessive
RBC destruction or loss.
If the anemia is associated with a low RI,RBC morphology helps distinguish
a maturation disorder from hypoproliferative marrow states. Cytoplasmic maturation defects such as iron deficiency or Hb synthesis problems produce smaller RBCs,MCV _ 80; nuclear maturation defects such as B12 and folate deficiency and drug effects produce larger RBCs,MCV _ 100. In hypoproliferative marrow states,RBCs are generally normal in morphology but too few are produced.
Bone marrow examination is often helpful in the evaluation of anemia but is
done most frequently to diagnose hypoproliferative marrow states.
Other laboratory tests indicated to evaluate particular forms of anemia depend
on the initial classification based on the pathophysiology of the defect.
These are discussed in more detail in Chap. 64.

This is an increase above the normal range of RBCs in the circulation. Concern
that the Hb level may be abnormally high should be triggered at a level of 170
g/L (17 g/dL) in men and 150 g/L (15 g/dL) in women. Polycythemia is usually found incidentally at routine blood count. Relative erythrocytosis,due to plasma
volume loss (e.g.,severe dehydration, burns),does not represent a true increase
in total RBC mass. Absolute erythrocytosis is a true increase in total RBC mass.

CAUSES Polycythemia vera (a clonal myeloproliferative disorder),erythropoietin-
producing neoplasms (e.g.,renal cancer, cerebellar hemangioma),
chronic hypoxemia (e.g.,high altitude, pulmonary disease), carboxyhemoglobin
excess (e.g.,smokers),high-affinity hemoglobin variants, Cushing’s syndrome,
androgen excess. Polycythemia vera is distinguished from secondary polycythemia
by the presence of splenomegaly, leukocytosis,thrombocytosis,and elevated
vitamin B12 levels,and by decreased erythropoietin levels. An approach
to evaluate polycythemic pts is shown in Fig. 57-2.

COMPLICATIONS Hyperviscosity (with diminished O2 delivery) with
risk of ischemic organ injury and thrombosis (venous or arterial) are most common.

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