Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: Hypothermia and Frostbite

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hypothermia and Frostbite

Hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature of _35_C and is classified
as mild (32.2_–35_C), moderate (28_–32.2_C), or severe (_28_C).

ETIOLOGY Most cases occur during the winter in cold climates, but
hypothermia may occur in mild climates and is usually multifactorial. Heat is
generated in most tissues of the body and is lost by radiation, conduction, convection,
evaporation, and respiration. Factors that impede heat generation and/
or increase heat loss lead to hypothermia (Table 30-1).

CLINICAL FEATURES Acute cold exposure causes tachycardia, increased
cardiac output, peripheral vasoconstriction, and increased peripheral
vascular resistance. As body temperature drops below 32_C, cardiac conduction
becomes impaired, the heart rate slows, and cardiac output decreases. Atrial
fibrillation with slow ventricular response is common. Other ECG changes include
Osborn (J) waves. Additional manifestations of hypothermia include volume
depletion, hypotension, increased blood viscosity (which can lead to thrombosis),
coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, DIC, acid-base disturbances, and
bronchospasm. CNS abnormalities are diverse and can include ataxia, amnesia,
hallucinations, delayed deep tendon reflexes, and (in severe hypothermia) an
isoelectric EEG.

DIAGNOSIS Hypothermia is confirmed by measuring the core body temperature,
preferably at two sites. Since oral thermometers are usually calibrated
only as low as 34.4_C, the exact temperature of a patient whose initial reading
is _35_C should be determined with a thermometer reading down to 15_C or,
ideally, witha rectal thermocouple probe inserted to _15 cm. Simultaneously,
an esophageal probe should be placed 24 cm below the larynx.

Cardiac monitoring should be instituted, along with attempts to limit further
heat loss. Mild hypothermia is managed by passive external rewarming and
insulation. The pt should be placed in a warm environment and covered with
blankets to allow endogenous heat production to restore normal body temperature.
Active rewarming is necessary for moderate to severe hypothermia,
cardiovascular instability, age extremes, CNS dysfunction, endocrine insufficiency,
or hypothermia due to complications from systemic disorders. Active
rewarming may be external (forced-air heating blankets, radiant heat sources,
and hot packs) or internal (by inspiration of heated, humidified oxygen
warmed to 40_–45_C; by administration of IV fluids warmed to 40_–42_C;
or by peritoneal or pleural lavage withdialysate or saline warmed to 40_–
45_C). The most efficient active internal rewarming techniques are extracorporeal
rewarming by hemodialysis and cardiopulmonary bypass. External
rewarming may cause a fall in blood pressure by relieving peripheral vasoconstriction.

Volume should be repleted with warmed isotonic solutions; lactated
Ringer’s solution should be avoided because of impaired lactate metabolism
in hypothermia. If sepsis is a possibility, empirical broad-spectrum
antibiotics should be administered after sending blood cultures. Atrial arrhythmias
usually require no specific treatment. Ventricular fibrillation is often
refractory. Only a single sequence of 3 defibrillation attempts (2 J/kg)
should be attempted when the temperature is _30_C. Since it is sometimes
difficult to distinguish profound hypothermia from death, cardiopulmonary
resuscitation efforts and active internal rewarming should continue until the
core temperature is _32_C or cardiovascular status has been stabilized.

Frostbite occurs when the tissue temperature drops below 0_C. Clinically, it is
most practical to classify frostbite as superficial (without tissue loss) or deep
(withtissue loss). Classically, frostbite is retrospectively graded like a burn
(first- to fourth-degree) once the resultant pathology is demarcated over time.
CLINICAL FEATURES The initial presentation of frostbite can be deceptively
benign. The symptoms always include a sensory deficit affecting light
touch, pain, and temperature perception. Deep frostbitten tissue can appear waxy, mottled, yellow, or violaceous-white. Favorable presenting signs include
some warmthor sensation with normal color.

A treatment protocol for frostbite is summarized in Table 30-2. Frozen tissue
should be rapidly and completely thawed by immersion in circulating water
at 37_–40_C. Thawing should not be terminated prematurely due to pain from
reperfusion; ibuprofen, 400 mg, should be given, and parenteral narcotics are
often required. If cyanosis persists after rewarming, the tissue compartment
pressures should be monitored carefully.

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