Comprehensive Educational information on Computer Programming!: The guidelines for Biomedical Waste Management

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The guidelines for Biomedical Waste Management

4. Biomedical Waste Management

1. PURPOSE: This SOP explains the procedure for discarding of biomedical waste( infectious and non infectious)  generated during testing procedure.    


Preparation of Na Hypochlorite solution (1%)

  1. Make fresh every day.
  2. Disslove 10 gram of Na.hypochlorite powder in 1 liter of distil water at the beginning of day’s work.
  3. If quantity required is more, then weigh Na.hypochlorite powder accordingly and dissolve in water.
  4. If 5% solution of Na.hypochlorite is provided then take 20 ml of 5% of Na hypochlorite and dissolve in 1 liter of water.
  5. Keep Na.hypochlorite in thick leak proof large container and keep it covered with aluminum foil.


  1. Every potentially infectious material is handled carefully and discarded  in discarding container of 1 % hypochlorite.
  2. Used pipettes are discarded in containers of freshly prepared 1 % hypochlorite lying on working benches.
  3. They are autoclaved and disposed in Red bags in hospital waste.
  4. All the used gloves are discarded in discarding container of 1 % hypochlorite. They are autoclaved and discarded in red bag

  1. After the end of each days work, discarding container is autoclaved (121’C x ½ hour).

4.1 Glassware Washing Procedure    

       Purpose: This procedure explains the method used in the laboratory for glassware washing

       Materials Required:    Chromic acid, distilled water, 10% hydrochloric acid

Ø  New glassware should be treated overnight with chromic acid (dissolve 480 gms of potassium dichromate in 18 liters of previously chilled water and then add 2.5 liter sulfuric acid)

Ø  Following washing procedure is done after every use of glassware.


  1. Decontamination is done by autoclaving at 1210C temperature for 45 min.
  2. Wash under tape water.
  3. Boil it in nontoxic detergent solution for two hours (10 lit water + 500ml Laxbro solution).
  4. Clean it with brush (glassware washing machine can be used for cleaning)
  5. Wash under tape water.
  6. Treat with 10% HCL overnight.
  7. Wash under tape water.
  8. Treat with single distilled water for two days in two buckets ( One day in each bucket)
  9. Treat with double distilled water for two days in two buckets ( one day each bucket )
  10. Fifth day dried it in hot air oven at 1600C for ½ hours.
  11. Plug the glass media bottle & wrap mouth of bottle with brown paper & sterilize it by hot air oven for two hours at 1600C.

1.        Cover mouth of glass tube with aluminum foil and place it in air light container & sterilize it in hot air oven for two hour at 1600C.

2.        Keep the Eppendroff in beaker and cover the beaker with brown paper & stick the autoclave strip & sterilize it by autoclaving 1210C temperature for 30min.

3.        Plug the dropper with cotton and wrap the dropper in brown paper and stick the autoclave strip and sterilize it by autoclaving at 1210C temperature for 30 min.


Hospital waste is a potential reservoir of pathogenic micro-organisms. Decontamination of waste and their ultimate disposal are closely interrelated. Laboratory wastes are of different category.



  1. Waste disposal color coded bags with biohazard symbol. Blue, red and black and yellow.
  2. Buckets for holding the bags.
  3. Autoclave for decontamination of waste on site.
  4. Disinfectant solution (1% Sodium hypochlorite solution / 2% gluteraldehyde.).
  5. Soap for hand washing and towel for drying hands.
  6. Disposable Gloves & Heavy duty gloves


1.     Segregate waste into the prescribed categories at the point of generation.

2.     Color coded bags are used as per national norms.

3.     All waste is decontaminated (chemically/autoclaving) at the laboratory before final disposal.



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    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time


    this guy is using to get likes , shares , and fake reviews.
    this guy is a scammer and all his posts are big scam!
    stay away from this guy!
    stay away from his scam posts !!
    super fake and not trustworthy...
    Scam Scam Scam biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig Scam.........................

    microworkers................. there's no code !! report this guy , he's wasting your time
